• The fourth Asia Partnership Conference of Pharmaceutical Associations (APAC) was held on 9-10 April at the Palace Hotel Tokyo.
  • In order to realize the APAC's mission, RA EWG produced two deliverables.
  • The fourth Asia Partnership Conference of Pharmaceutical Associations (APAC) was held on 9-10 April at the Palace Hotel Tokyo.


APAC is an industry-driven initiative led by R&D-based pharmaceutical associations from Asian countries/regions, aiming to fulfill its mission.

Our Mission

To expedite the launch of innovative medicines for the peoples in Asia


To achieve this mission, an information-sharing-platform will be built and used to disseminate information on each economy’s tasks and challenges, and for releasing the necessary proposals as the Asia Partnership Conference of Pharmaceutical Associations. Associations of various economies shall propose solutions for pharmaceutical tasks and challenges to stakeholders including governments.